Tuesday 4 March 2014

Pretty Little Liars 4X21 thoughts

                                "Don't say I never gave you anything. -A"

Well after last weeks episode, I was wondering how this weeks episode was going to measure up. News is it measured up quite well.

As the episode begins, Aria is telling the girls what happened with Ezra. She said that he thinks that one of the girls is trying to kill Ali. Em mentions that if he has been watching them this whole time then he knows about A and why hasn't he done anything to help. Aria said simple because he didn't really love me. While Aria is lying in bed she is thinking about Ezra. Now we get Flashback scene to when Aria and Ezra first meet. Soon after Aria goes to school (looking a mess) and wants to confront Mr. Fitz but he has taken a leave of absence due to a family emergency. (Yeah right) After the girls convince her to go home, she instead goes to his apartment and finds an Ali timeline and finds evidence that he has been watching her and her friends and every secret that she told him he took notes. This is when she loses it and trashes his apartment. She finds out that he is going ahead with his book deal and she gets hacked off again. (Wouldn't you) This time she goes to the principal's house and wants to tell him everything. But lucky for her that Hanna is there to talk her down because she said it will not only affect you but your family as well. Towards the end of the episode Aria packs her bags and leaves rosewood

Her father is bad but only because her parents want to send her to rehab but she convinces them not to send her. She gets a message from when she opens her locker. "Don't say I never gave you anything. -A" (I missed A's messages) while checking out EzrA's things she finds a card that belonged to an investigator that followed Spencer, who she thought was following Melissa instead This is when we learn that Spencer was taking drugs the time Alison disappeared. During her findings she finds out that Ali's mum knew about Spencer and Ali's fight including the shovel. She confronts her and hurts her arm. Later she returns home to find her parents and Toby waiting for her. She just looks at them the goes to her room and cries in the corner.

Em gets a call from Shana asking her to drop the money off. Paige sees the money and gets suspicious. She follows Em to the bank and Em tells her that Ali is alive. (Bad move Em) but Paige writes a note saying that Ali is alive and look for a A.D Corp, and slips it into a police car.

Hanna s feeling guilty that Travis' father is facing jail time because he helped her mother clear her name. So she goes to see Holbrook to see if he can do anything. Because of him Travis' father didn't face jail he only got probation. While picking up food her herself and Aria, she bumps into Holbrook and thanks him for what he did and kisses him.

In the last scene we see that A has EzrA's book and then puts them into a Furnace.

So I'm kinda thinking the EzrA isn't A but he is somehow Involved.

And with only three weeks left, you know that something big is going down.

Grade- A

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