Wednesday 28 August 2013

Teen Wolf 3X12 thoughts

                                        Lydia: "What do you want from me?"
       Jennifer: "I want you to do what you do best Lydia. I want you to scream."

Wow this episode was awesome, confusing but awesome. So let’s get right into it.

So Scott, Alison and Stiles all wake up in a white room and touch a tree stump in the middle of the room (yea nothing weird about that) they all flash back to the very first episode and see a tree stump. Good news is they now know the location of the root cellar, bad news is that they were under for 16 hours and now they have 4 hours left to find their parents. Just as this bomb was dropped on them Ethan shows up looking for Lydia wanting her help to try and stop Aiden and Kali from killing Derek. But I don't know why Kali is still after Derek after learning the truth of how Ennis died.

Derek is weakened from saving Cora and losing his Alpha status. Peter is worried for his nephew because he knows that Kali is after him and since he has become a beta again, his only hope of beating her is to wait for the Lunar Eclipse so that they both lose their wolf powers or he can just leave town with Cora. He chooses the latter of course.

Scott, Alison and Isaac go back to Alison's place to gear up and get a map but who's there waiting for them? None other than Scott's dad and the cops. He's waiting in Alison's dad's study with all of their weapons. You know: Guns, Crossbows, Grenades that kinda stuff.

Peter, Ethan and Lydia all try to come up with a plan to stop Kali and Aiden but no one can come up with anything but Peter says "Maybe she does?" he then turns to Lydia. Soon after Kali and Aiden come which can only mean one thing. IT'S GO TIME!

In the next scene Stiles gets into a car crash while looking for the tree stump. Nothing major right?

Kali and Aiden are still giving death stares when who should show? Jennifer yep Ms Durak herself looking all badass and cool. Kali goes straight for her because they're old friends but Jennifer takes her out and goes for the twins. They try to merge but she stops them and knocks them out. So it’s Jennifer and Kali round 2 and this time Jennifer ups her game and shows more of her power my levitating the broken shards of glass on the floor and aiming them at Kali.
Kali then said "I should have ripped your head off!" Jennifer then throws the glass at Kali and now Kali is dead. Am I the only one that liked her? Just after the twins emerge again but as their combined form but Jennifer schools them and breaks their/neck. So now the twins are dead. Or are they?
Lydia is a banshee which is awesome but Jennifer sets her sights on Lydia and wants her to do what she does best. Scream. Which she does and after hearing her scream Derek drives back along with Cora.

Meanwhile back at Alison's the others are still being held up by Scott's absentee father who is interrogating them and talking all of the weapons on the table but Alison becomes super hot here and starts to describe all of the weapons on the table until she gets to the smoke grenade which she then uses which gives them the distraction they need to evade the police.

Turns out Jennifer needed Lydia to scream to lure Derek back because she needs his help to deal with Deucalion. She promises to leave the parents alone if he goes with her because she needs a guardian and he could be that guardian. When they leave the twins separate and it turns out that they are still alive but barely. So Cora and Lydia take them to Deaton.

Alison and Isaac found the root cellar and rescued the parents but got trapped inside because the root cellar started to collapse but Stiles comes in the nick of time with a baseball bat to hold up part of the cellar so that the others can escape.

Scott sends Jennifer a message by going to the warehouse where Gerard took Deucalion's eyes. So they all meet up and before the tag team match begins Scott asks Derek what is he doing here? Derek replies "I'm doing this for you." So the match begins but Scott turns on Deucalion so now it's 3 on 1 and we see Deucalion's true form and it looks awesome. I think Jennifer called him a demon wolf. But when Scott throws a flash grenade to blind Deucalion the Lunar Eclipse happens and every wolf loses their wolf-ness. So Jennifer is about to kill Deucalion but Derek said that he hasn't seen your true face. She heals his eyes yep he is no longer blind. This is when Derek turns on Jennifer and its Scott and Derek vs Ms Blake. The Lunar Eclipse disappears but she puts a Wolf’s bane barrier around her so werewolves can't penetrate it but Scott manages to breakthrough it and he is now a true alpha. Scott says that he won't kill her, it won't change the colour of my eyes Deucalion pushes him aside and says it won't change mine and slashes her throat. But she manages to disappear. After the fight Scott and Derek let Deucalion go but if he comes back they will kill him.

On a side note Deaton manages to save the twins and Aiden says to Lydia "I knew you had feelings for me."

So in the ending montage we see the twins with Lydia and Danny, Alison with Isaac and Scott with Stiles. And it turns out that Scott's dad is sticking around for a while. But this is when it gets good. Jennifer survives and goes back to the tree stump of power but who should meet her there but Peter. Yep Peter Hale. She figures out that he lurks in the shadows and waits for his time, his time to take Scott's true Alpha powers so that he can become and alpha again. Just then he kills her (sniff why?) and says "I AM THE ALPHA."

So this episode was crazy awesome and now I'm off to watch Teen Wolf revelations. Can't wait for 3B to start in January.

Grade- A


  1. Yay you're back. I was wondering when you were gonna post again. Any who I loved this episode and I am def shipping Isaac and Alison probably because they're dating in real life. lol But Peter being the big bad again, I never saw that coming.

    Glad you're back

  2. I really didn't want Alison and Isaac together, its like Brucas all over again. But I am interested if Scott's dad finds out about his son being a werewolf.
