Wednesday 31 July 2013

Pretty Little Liars 4X07 thoughts

   "You crashed Wilden's. Now I'll make it all come crashing down. 
                                                        Kisses -A."

This episode wasn't that eventful so this recap is gonna be short, Oh well, on with the recap.

One of the things that I loved about this episode was that Caleb and Toby were working together trying to find A and red coat, because these two hardly have any scenes together. Spencer calls them 'The Hardy Boys'. They head to Howel Acres Fight Centre which is where the flight plan for Redcoat's plane was registered. The receptionist lets them look at his computer but there is no new info for them but before the leave he mentions that it would be hard to land in the area the night of the fire because there was a lot of fog. So they leave but when they leave he makes a phone call to someone.
When they come back they figure out that he was the one flying the plane because how else would he know that it was foggy that night. When they confront him they show him the lighter that was left when Toby got knocked unconscious N.W. Night Wright. He said that the girl on the plane was called Drake, Cece Drake. Could Cece be Redcoat? Could Dr Palmer be talking about Cece? After he makes a run for it but Caleb steals his phone before he escapes. Later on we see him talking to someone who he calls 'Babe' but we see black glasses on the table. Could it be Jenna? and come to think of it wasn't he the same guy that escorted Jenna to Wilden's funeral.
Aria along with her school principal thinks that Mike was the one that smashed Connor's car. The principal asks Aria if Mike has stopped taking his meds. (Big mistake) But Aria of course covers for her brother the principal asks where he was the night of the car smashing. Connor's parents wants to press charges against Mike is headstrong when he said that he never did it but he wish that he had. Things look bleak for Mike but then Ezra steps in to save the day looking to blackmail the principal because the principal assumed Mike wasn't taking his pill. Perhaps Ezra knew Mike didn't do it was because he was the one that did it. Hmmm Speaking of Ezra there was a nice Ezria scene for the Ezria fans which I'm not sure that I am.

Things aren't looking good for Ashley after she was arrested last week. Hanna is trying to keep it together but she isn't eating and not going to school. So the other liars (minus Mona) band together and help her through this troubling time. There was also a very rare and very nice Spencer/Hanna scene. Ashley is telling Hanna not to make any future plans involving her because she thinks that she will be in prison. According to Spencer's mum it would have been better if she had killed Wilden because she would have gotten 20 years but since she is pleading not guilty she is probably looking at life in jail or maybe worse.

Emily has turned in Veronica Mars this episode by doing a little investigating of her own to help Hanna. Emily was supposed to go to a clinic to have her first injection for Prolotherapy. Instead she steals Wilden's apartment keys from her mother's draw and recruits Aria and Spencer on her fact finding mission. So while there they don't find much except for a lot of Porn which Aria can't seem to stop mentioning. They find a box of Wilden's belongings which came from a food place and apparently smelled really bad. But in there was a note from 'A' saying

"Can't wait to see you at our little barbeque, Kisses -A"

I'm guessing that the little barbeque was the burning lodge.
Spencer and Hanna together. While they were looking through Wilden's apartment of course 'A' was watching them. Back at home Emily gets an email from 'A'

"You crashed Wilden's. Now I'll make it all come crashing down. Kisses -A."

Emily goes downstairs and over hears her mum saying that she has been suspended because of the missing key and that she may need to dip into the emergency fund. Just then 'A' sends a car though Emily's house at her mother. Her mother manages to avoid harm by jumping out of the way.

In the last scene we see 'A' buying a $50 gift for Emily for home repairs.

I think the shows keeps getting better and better. 'A' just got a lot more dangerous. I think the show needs more Mona scenes. As usual can't wait till next week.

Who is Redcoat? Cece or Alison?

Are Jenna and Nigel dating?

Do you think 'A' has gone too far by first trying to run over Emily, Aria and Mona and now sending a car through Emily's house?

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