Tuesday 16 July 2013

Teen Wolf 3X06 thoughts

     Ethan: (To Scott) "I don't know what happened last night. But I'm pretty sure you 
                                                       saved my life."

     Stiles: "Actually I saved your life. But not that it matters that much, 
                                                      it's a minor detail."

In terms of story and action, this episode was kinda slow but it was far from a filler episode.

Ok so the opening scene of the episode is some guy killing himself in a motel room under the full moon. Before the scene is over we see in the guy's wallet that his name is Alexander argent. But I'll get back to that later

from the get go Lydia was getting the heebie jeebies as soon as they arrived at the Motel. I mean it was understandable because the motel did kinda look like something from a Hitchcock movie.

Stiles and Lydia turned detectives this episode even though Stiles kinda suspects her of being the killer. He mentions her being controlled by Peter and not realising it.

After awhile of being there Scott starts to see his Alpha eyes in the mirror and then he and the other werewolves at the motel start acting weird. They all seem to be exhibiting suicidal tendencies (yep I sound like a doctor, I know)

Boyd blames himself for the death of someone called Alicia, could she have been: His mother, his sister or even a girlfriend. So he takes a safe, fills up a bathtub and decides to see how long he can hold his breath underwater while holding a safe.

Isaac is having nightmares and flashbacks to his cruel dad and how when Isaac did something bad or wrong his dad would chuck him in a box.... yep that's some good parenting. Isaac feeling his dad's anger decides to hide under his bed since there is no box his size nearby. How can someone kill themselves under their bed I wonder?

Scott was seeing his mother being captured by Deucalion. Saying that he wants him now since Derek is dead. At the end Scott saw Deucalion claw his mother's throat. So what does Scott do? He decides to grab a can of gasoline and douse himself with it and holding a lit flare.

Even Ethan (I think not Aidan) was seeing things. During his make out sesh with Danny which I thought was pretty good. It’s about time Danny got a love interest #Dethan Anyway Ethan was seeing the inner wolf thing he and his brother become when the merge try and get out.

This is when Lydia and Stiles put their detective hats on and along with their trusty sidekick Alison try and solve the mystery of the hotel and why it had 198 deaths, all suicides btw. But later that number went up by three making it 201 suicides. Anyone else thinking Scott, Isaac and Boyd?

The Scoobies manage to save Ethan from killing himself using a power saw. Next Lydia senses someone drowning (what is she?) and that someone was Boyd. They go to his room but couldn't get the safe off of him so Stiles figures out that Heat broke Ethan from his suicidal trance. So the super smart Lydia comes up with the idea to use the flares the coach has on the school bus. So they save Boyd from his watery grave and find a scared Isaac under his bed so while they were at it they snap him out of it as well. Last on the list is Scott.

Scott still looking hypnotized says that he wants things to go back to the way they were. Back to being not important before he got bit. But after a heartfelt speech from Stiles claiming to be his brother and other mushy stuff. He gets the flare from Scott and throws it away but the wind being evil that it is blows the flare towards the gasoline puddle. Lydia sees it and tackles Scott and Stiles getting them away from the explosion but in that explosion Lydia sees someone or something (again I ask, what is she?)

In the morning: Scott, Alison, Stiles and Lydia wake up on the school bus and Ethan comes to thank Scott for saving his life even though he didn't really do anything and tells them that he's sure Derek is still alive but he killed one of ours. So either he joins the Alpha pack or they kill him. After Lydia again being super smart and just plain awesome (and you guys wonder why she's my favourite character) takes coach's whistle and realises that it had wolfs bane in it. So every time he blew his whistle (mostly because of Stiles) Scott, Isaac, Boyd and Ethan all inhaled it. They figure that the virgin killer Durak was behind it.

Meanwhile back in Beacon Hills Derek is very much alive and recovering with Jennifer and by recovering I mean doing it. IT IT IT.

Daddy Argent is piecing the battle with the alphas together and since Alison called him to tell him that she is staying at the Glen Capri. He said that it sounded familiar and he remembers that his uncle killed himself in that hotel. So to get answers he goes to an old enemy aka his father Gerard. Last we saw him, he ran away oozing black ooze and you know what. He still is. Gerard tells him that uncle Alexander killed himself because he was scratched by an alpha and according to the Argent code you have to kill yourself if you get turned. (Remember Alison's mum) Gerard tells him that the wolf that scratched him was Deucalion.

Overall an ok episode, next week’s looks to be much better judging from the previews. Can't wait till next week

Grade- B+

What did Lydia see in the flames?

Were you happy that Gerard is back?

Could Ethan turn good?

Will Daddy Argent confront Alison about her extracurricular activities?

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