Saturday 3 March 2012

One Tree Hill 9X08 thoughts

           "I tried to kill you in the past but we have to put that aside and look for our son"
             I wish Deb would have said that to Dan

Yay Grandma Deb is back and so is Ms Lauren and David (Quinn's ex husband) And Ms Lauren is pregnant I thought it was obvious who the dad was because Alison Munn and Scott Holyrod are married in real life.

I knew when Dan went to jail he would get info from a person in there. But I was wondering who Dan beat up and it turns out that it was an officer that some prisoners hated. So Clay's drug dealer knows Dimitri aka Nathan's kidnapper man its a small world. But that Dan and Deb scene was so awesome they need to get married again. I said it before and I'll say it again Julian being Dan's wingman is awesome.

Haley telling the tale of how Nathan making decisions for his family and not for him was very sweet, he's come a long way since season 1. I'm glad that the body wasn't Nathan's, I know I shouldn't say that because that body belongs to someone else. Thank god for Grandma Den I've missed her. I was hoping that she would stay and help Brooke in the cafe since she used to own it. Haley must be really desperate if she went to see Dan, hopefully some good can come from this.

And I think it is creepy that Xavier is still watching Brooke and asking for a job... yeah so wrong. And him just showing up being all stalkery is even more creepy, why doesn't he just leave her alone. And judging from the previews for next week its about to get a whole lot more serious.

Logan is still cute I kinda wanted Clay and Quinn to adpot him. It was hard to listen to Clay recount the tale of what he did after Sarah had died, personally I think he tried to kill himself. But I think it was good that David came back for Nathan and Haley, he's looking different from the last time I saw him which was on Chuck. "Oh Pregnant's the girl your seeing" Loved Quinn's line when she saw David and Ms Lauren together. I said it was a small world and it is, Clay being Logan's dad OMG WTH OMG. That's awesomely weird so I wanna know how Quinn's gonna take the news, she did say earlier in the ep that she wanted kids. And now she kinda has one. And I did say before I wanted them to adopt Logan, looks like I may get my wish.

From that preview in the first episode I always wondered what Chase was doing in the back of a police car and now I know. I'm not saying what he did was right but I prolly would have done the same thing if I were in his shoes, and now he can't serve for the next 3 years.

This show just keeps getting better and better. As usual can't wait till next week

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