Monday 14 October 2013

Glee 5x03 thoughts

                                              R.I.P Cory Monteith  

This was episode was just so emotional. There's not really much I can say about it.

The episode titled 'The Quarterback' is a tribute to the late Cory Monteith aka Finn Hudson. It begins with the cast singing 'Seasons of Love' which I'm pretty sure is from rent and was my favourite song of the episode.

Next it's three weeks after the funeral and those that can make it basically everyone but Quinn and Brittany travel back to McKinley for a week all about Finn.

Kurt, Burt and Carole and clearing out Finn's things but Burt is saying that he should have hugged him more. Kurt decides to keep his letterman jacket but Carole understandably loses it, she breaks down saying "She will always be a parent just without a child."

Mercedes sings 'I'll stand by you' which is the same song Finn sung to the sonogram of the baby at the time he thought was his. After Principal Sue informs Kurt who she calls Porcelain, that someone has stolen the tree he planted in memory of Finn. We learn later that it was Puck that stole the tree.

Puck sees Kurt wearing Finn's letterman jacket and tells him to take it off because it's for people that have earned it and tells him not to basically bedazzle it.

The Glee club are singing 'Fire and Rain' but Santana leaves during the performance because she is grieving in her own way, so after Principal Sue orders the 'New Santana Lopez' to remove the candles at the Finn memorial 'Old Santana Lopez' loses it. She storms into Sue's office claiming that she never liked him or the Glee club and she did whatever she could to make their life a living hell. And she was so emotional that she even shoved Sue. Yep she got physical it surprised even me. Me thinks she might be projecting onto Sue.

Back to Puck and he is in the lockeroom trashing the place until Coach Beiste steps in and said 'Finn would have kicked over my chair' they have one of their bonding moments and she calms him down and tells him to return the tree. During this he breaks down crying in her arms.

Emma tells Mr. Schue that it’s ok for him to grieve because he hasn't cried yet not even at the funeral. He says that he needs to be strong for the kids.

Now before Santana sings 'If I die young' she was just being Santana and insulting Finn including calling him "Squishy tits". During the performance she breaks down and before Mr. Schue or Mike can comfort her she freaks out and runs away. Kurt finds her in the auditorium, she tells him that she wanted to surprise everyone and say something nice about Finn. So he gives her the jacket because she needs it more.

Puck is singing 'No surrender' and while he is singing he is looking at and empty seat. But after the song Santana comes in claiming that Puck has taken the letterman jacket while she was taking a "Brief siesta", everyone thinks Puck has taken the jacket even Mr.Schue. Where's the trust.

Tina is talking to Emma about wearing back again. Saying that she spent several years trying to not be the Goth kid but now she's back to being one again.

Santana returns to Sue office to apologize but Sue ends up apologizing because she is hurt that Finn died knowing that she hated him.

Puck and Beiste are having another bonding moment. He returned the tree and tells her that he is joining the Air force. He leaves but as he leaves we see 'Quarterback' written on the tree.

Rachel returns to McKinley to honour Finn, and she sings 'Make you feel my love' which has everyone in tears understandably except for Mr.Schue.

Santana is offering a 10.000.00 reward for missing jacket. Mr.Schue finds her and she tells him that she won't be coming back to Lima because it reminds her of the people she's lost.

Back in the choir room Rachel shows Mr.Schue a plaque she had made with something Finn had said. "The show must go.... all over the place... or something".

In the last scene we see Mr.Schue take out the letterman jacket from his bag and he breaks down crying.

This episode was well acted considering that most scenes only took one take. The emotions were real; I don't know how Lea could do this or anyone for that matter. Lea, Mark and Naya stole the show for me. I also didn't mind that they never gave a explanation to how Finn had died. This was a great tribute for Cory Monteith.

Glee comes back in a month so can't will till next month.

Grade- A+

1 comment:

  1. I had my tissue box ready because I knew that I was going to need them. I was crying throughout this entire episode.
