down bitches. Play it my way and Emily stays safe. -A"
I know
that it’s late but my jaw is still on the floor, this episode was so intense
and nerve wrecking.
So the
episode starts off with a glimpse two days into the future with: Spencer, Aria
and a crying distraught Hanna looking on as the medics carry a body bag into
the back of an ambulance and a police officer asking Emily if she knew the victim
to which she answers yes.
Now two
days ago Spencer, Aria and Hanna are gonna try and hold an intervention for
Emily about Paige who they think is the new A because Spencer found the earring
that Aria buried with Alison's body in Paige's bag. Em showed up and was immediately
angry and left.
of Em, she let the cat out of the bag and told Paige that there was another A.
Bad move Emily you should know that A knows everything and not even 1 minute
after Emily told Paige about the new A Paige gets a text from A basically saying
"10pm Rosewood cemetery or Emily gets hurt -A"
back at school the other liars were discussing about coming clean to their parents
about everything and as usual, A knows what they are planning and sends another
text saying "Stand down bitches. Play it my way and Emily stays safe.
-A" Poor Em why is A after her? Soon after while they are back in Hanna bedroom
A sends another chilling text and this time it came with pictures saying
"Let's settle this. Alison's grave. 10 pm. Bring Maya's bag." This
came with the pictures of the liars minus Emily at Alison's grave the night
that she was dug up. So this heightened the girls' suspicions about Paige being
A. Because Paige can take down the other liars and leave Emily completely in
the clear. A sends another picture message saying "Tell Emily and I'll
leave you holding the bag." The bag being Alison's body in case you guys weren’t
that Toby came back yay for all of you Toby and Spencer fans this led to a long
scene of them hugging and kissing then this also led to them sleeping together
for the first time and as Toby was leaving was I the only one that noticed he
had some kind of creepy face when he hugged Spencer?
Maggie just happened to be in the neighbourhood and wanted to see how Ezra was
doing but she was surprised to see Amy there oh sorry I mean Aria. Maggie of course
being Ezra's baby mama being played by Alex Mack sorry Larisa Oleynik. Those of
you that know who Alex Mack is, good for you lol. Anyway she begged Aria not to
tell Ezra about his son Malcolm and of course she agrees because I guess he
would be angry because she knew and didn't tell him.
awesome moment of this episode is Mona just walking out of the crazy hospital
wearing a nurse or some worker's uniform. Soon after we see her talking on the
phone with someone wearing a black hoodie.
The liars
told Caleb about the meeting with A in the cemetery and he said that he is
going with them but Hanna didn't like that Caleb was bringing a gun to the meeting.
But of course he brought it along anyway.
Emily is with Nate aka Maya's cousin staying at the Lighthouse Inn where they
just wanted to celebrate Maya's life before the trial had begun. But while Nate
was out getting some fire wood Emily received a call saying "You have one
minute GET OUT!" And of course Emily didn't listen so Nate returns. She recognized
Nate's shoes from one of the pictures
that Maya was in. This rang some bells in her head so she wants to go for a
walk alone in the woods at night to call her friends, doesn't that scream
horror movie scenario. Nate catches her just when she got a signal takes her
back inside Inn. There Emily pieces the evidence together concerning Maya's stalker:
Nate had a letter addressed to Emily which I'm guessing in Maya's handwriting,
the shoes in the picture with Maya and the fact that before Maya left she said
she thought she had seen her stalker which is why she was staying at Noel
Kahn's cabin. She comes to the conclusion that Nate is Maya's stalker. shocker
I know right? He reveals his name to be
Lyndon James and he is going to take something away from her just like she took
Maya away from him, enter a bound and gagged Paige in the closet. 9not the way
it sounded people) lol perhaps this is what Jenna mean't when she said to
Emily " Be careful who you spend your time with." Jenna of all people
trying to help?
back at the cemetery Caleb gets the feeling that the meeting with A is a ploy
and sets out to one of the two cabins while the other liars check out the other. The other liars enter the wrong cabin because
it is deserted but Caleb with the gun finds the right one and gets to Emily
after an epic chase and an epic fight in the lighthouse which ended with Lyndon
being stabbed and lying on the floor. Caleb puts his gun down and hugs a distraught
Emily and the next thing we hear is a gunshot.
to the first scene where the girls are behind the police tape and Hanna is
crying un-controllably. Spencer and Paige gives each other a look. We then find
out that Caleb was shot presumably by Lyndon just before he croaked.
At the
hospital the girls plus Emily's mum wait for news about Caleb and in walks
Garrett with Spencer's mum. She thanks Ey because she helped get an innocent
man out of jail, Garrett then gives a dirty arrogant smirk. This gave me food
for thought because Lyndon never actually said that he killed Maya he just said
that Emily took her away from him so could this mean that Maya's killer is
still at large. The girls then get a phone text from A saying "Thanks Emily
I owe you one"
Next we
see Mona walking back into the hospital with the person in the black hoodie
saying "If I knew Nate was gonna get Garrett out, I would have stayed in tonight.
You have to get Maya’s cell phone back. It shouldn’t be too difficult. Paige won’t
even know she has it.” and when the hooded figure turns around we see that it
is TOBY of all people TOBY. The previews did say who would betray them. But I never
thought that in a million years that it would be TOBY and just when he and Spencer
finally did it IT.
episode ends with the hooded figure booking a Halloween train for October 23 which
so happens to be when the series returns but only for one episode though L
Whew that
was long but it was so awesome my jaw is still on the floor.
What do
you think will happen on the Halloween train?
warned Emily in the Inn?
Did Jenna
know about Lyndon/Nate's true identity?
Caleb survive?
All these
questions, so little answers.
wait till October 23rd