Monday 10 October 2011

One Tree Hill 8X09 thoughts

I somehow knew that everyone would end up at Haley's. But I've never had jello salad.

Victoria is out of prison and I couldn't be happier. But I loved when Brooke reached for the carving knife. But I knew that Sylvia has something to do with her release.

I knew that when Skills said that his turkey was farm fresh I knew that it would come alive.

Nathan might go back to school. He got through school because of Haley.

I kinda liked the Alex and Millie reunion and the Jamie and Skills reunion those two are awesome together. But Skills and Sylvia are gonna be good together.

I did feel sorry for Chase spending thanksgiving alone but I did like that guy who came into the bar waiting to be served and then just left.

I'm glad Quinn came back but I somehow knew that she was doing something about Katie.

But I have to say that they cannot play football/rubgy whatever. lol And as usual I can't wait till next week.

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